I rarely get a chance to go to restaurants sans kids in Calgary, so I took advantage to go with a friend to Calan Beef Noodle. Hand pulled noodles are all the rage in Toronto at the moment. I saw something similar with the ramen trend when I last went to Toronto in 2014. It took a while before taking off in Calgary.
The first thing I noticed when I walked in was the “noodle-slinger”. He was pulling a large ball of dough, twisting it and thumping it occasionally on the counter. It was a lot of fun to watch.
This is northern Chinese food, which is not common in Calgary. The handmade noodles can be pulled into four different variations. Thick, thin, flat and narrow and flat and wide. I ordered the Hand-Pulled Noodles in Beef Soup with Pickled Sour Mustard with thick noodles. I ordered it in a combo which includes a tea boiled egg and beef tendon. The first thing I noticed was the flavour. The noodles had a nice springy, chewy texture. The broth had a nice beefy taste. Then I was slammed by the chilis. The soup came with bits of beef and I suspect possibly century egg. The pickled mustard greens added a nice tang. The tea egg and side of beef tendon brought back memories of childhood Chinese banquets and home cooking.
I would usually comment on my dining partner’s dish, but we both had the same thing. He thoroughly enjoyed his meal. Service was quick as we enjoyed a leisurely late lunch around 2pm.
The noodle soup was hugely satisfying and comforting on a cool rainy day.