Potluck last night. What to make…. How about an enduring party favorite – potstickers! Or wor tip in Cantonese.
I don’t really have a recipe for these, it changes every time I make it.
Wor Tip
Makes around 80 dumplings
- 2 packages round dumpling wrappers
- 2 lbs ground pork, chicken or turkey
- 5 cups Suey choy, bok choy, or other Chinese greens
- 4 green onions
- 1 can mushrooms, pieces and stems
- 2 medium carrots
- 2 eggs
- tapioca or cornstarch
- black pepper, oyster sauce, fish sauce, soy sauce, Maggi sauce, Chinese cooking wine
Shred or chop green vegetables. Peel and grate carrots. Dice the mushrooms. Combine all veggies and meat into a large bowl. Crack egg into bowl, and any combination of the sauce ingredients. Add enough tapioca or cornstarch as you mix to absorb the liquid. Have a small bowl of water on hand. A simple way to make the dumplings is to put about a tablespoon of filling in the wrapper, use your finger to dab water around the edge, and fold in half. It can also be done as I have, with fancy folds. Click here and skip to 2:13 for directions. Place them on a cookie sheet as you go.
When ready to cook, coat a frying pan with oil. If fancy folding, arrange the dumplings in a circle and next to each other. Put the pan on medium heat and wait until the bottoms start to crisp. Using a tablespoon, sprinkle water over the top so it steams. Be careful, it will spatter! Cover with lid. The dumplings are done, when the skins look shiny and the water is absorbed. May need to sprinkle more water as you go.
You can also pan fry them, or pan fry and steam if they are folded flat. It is also possible to boil or steam them. In that case, they are called jao zhi. Serve with Chinese red vinegar, 3:1 soy sauce and rice vinegar, or 1:1:.5 soy sauce, oyster sauce and sesame oil. And chili sauce to taste.

They were popular; the first dish to go.