Death by Black Forest Trifle

Office potluck lunch. Yeah sometimes I throw it all out the window. This is one of the most processed, unhealthy things I’ve eaten.   Thank goodness I had other people to consume it. Apparently, it’s bowl licking good.

Death By Chocolate Trifle

9×9”  baked chocolate cake (devil’s food), cut in small pieces (Duncan Hines needs 3 eggs)

Cool Whip, large container (works better than store brand) plus extra

2 pkgs prepared Oetker chocolate mousse

Skor bars, frozen and broken up, or ½ pkg Skor bits and Callebault chocolate, broken up

Generous handful  Callebault chocolate shavings for garnish

  1. Place in layers in large glass bowl or trifle dish:
    1. Chocolate cake
    2. Chocolate mousse
    3. Skor bars or Skor bits and chocolate
    4. Cool Whip
  2. Repeat layers until bowl is full (2 layers)
  3. Garnish top layer with chocolate shavings
  4. Chill until served.

Black Forest Variation

Add cherry pie filling after the chocolate cake layer but before the Cool Whip

trifle and I
About to devour the Black Forest Trifle